Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR MagLune

The ANR project MagLune (Magnétisme de la Lune) has been approved July 2014. It involves the Cerege (Centre de Recherche et d'Enseignement de Géosciences de l'Environnement, joint laboratory between Université Aix-Marseille, CNRS and IRD), the IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris) and ISTerre (Institut des Sciences de la Terre). Associated with Cerege are Inria (Apics, then Factas team) and Irphe (Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors Équilibre, joint laboratory between Université Aix-Marseille, CNRS and École Centrale de Marseille). The goal of this project (led by geologists) is to understand the past magnetic activity of the Moon, especially to answer the question whether it had a dynamo in the past and which mechanisms were at work to generate it. Factas participates in the project by providing mathematical tools and algorithms to recover the remanent magnetization of rock samples from the moon on the basis of measurements of the magnetic field it generates. The techniques described in Section 6.1 are instrumental for this purpose.

ANR Cocoram

The ANR (Astrid) project Cocoram (Co-design et co-intégration de réseaux d'antennes actives multi-bandes pour systèmes de radionavigation par satellite) started January 2014 and ended October 2018. We were associated with three other teams from XLIM (Limoges University), geared respectively towards filters, antennas and amplifiers design. The core idea of the project was to realize dual band reception an emission chains by co-conceiving the antenna, the filters, and the amplifier. A complete chain has been synthesized using matching filters placed after each of the accesses of a network of 4 bi-polarized antennas, resulting in a substantial gain in energy effectiveness of 30%. This communication chain has been manufactured by our partner XLIM, and presented to the final meeting of the ANR in October.